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3ds max 2011 highly 84: Learn the Basics of 3D Animation and Rendering with Autodesk's 3ds Max


The NAD 27 is a horizontal datum for the continental United States based on the Clarke ellipsoid of 1866 (Clarke 1866). The fixed datum reference point is located at Meades Ranch, Kansas.The longitude origin of NAD 27 is the Greenwich Meridian with a south azimuth orientation. The original network adjustment used 25,000 stations. The relative precision between initial point monuments of NAD 27 is by definition 1:100,000, but coordinates on any given monument in the network contain errors of varying degrees. As a result, relative accuracies between points on NAD 27 may be far less than the nominal 1:100,000. The reference units for NAD 27 are US Survey Feet. This datum is no longer supported by NOAA/NOS/NGS. Approximate conversions of points on NAD 27 to NAD 83 (1986) may be performed using the NADCON model. Since NAD 27 contains error approaching 10m, transforming highly accurate GPS observations to this antiquated reference system is not the best approach.

In the late 1980s, the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) introduced the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) to support those scientific activities that require highly accurate positional coordinates; for example, monitoring crustal motion and the motion of Earth's rotation axis. The initial realization was called the International Terrestrial Reference Frame of 1988 (ITRF88). The latest is the ITRF2005. ITRS is the first major international reference system to directly address plate tectonics and other forms of crustal motion by publishing velocities as well as positions for its control points.

3ds max 2011 highly 84

Formats: max, c4d, obj - simple object without textures and materials (with mapping included), fbx - simple object without materials (with mapping and textures included) Software: *.max - 2011 or higher, Cinema 4D - R19 Renderers: Mental Ray *.max - with textures and shaders, V-Ray *.max - 3.0 or higher, Advanced Render *.c4d, VRAYforC4D - 3.6 (not compatible with V-Ray 5 for C4D)

Formats: max, c4d, obj - simple object without textures and materials (with mapping included), fbx - simple object without materials (with mapping and textures included) Software: Cinema 4D - R11.5 (IMPORTANT: Files are not compatible with Cinema 4D R20. Please contact support before the purchase.), *.max - 2011 or higher Renderers: Mental Ray *.max - with textures and shaders, Advanced Render *.c4d - object prepared for C4d renderer with Cinema 4D R11.5 or higher (with textures and shaders), VRAYforC4D - object prepared for V-Ray 1.1 with Cinema 4D R11.5 with textures and shaders (not compatible with V-Ray 5 for C4D), V-Ray *.max - 2.0 or higher - with textures and shaders



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