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Circuit By Zach Heath: How to Make a Ring Jump from Finger to Finger


By itself, the signal of a violin (as well as most other electro-acoustic instruments) is much quieter than what is expected by a modular synthesizer, but luckily this is easy to resolve. We chose XAOC Devices Sewastopol II to act as an external input to the modular system. In addition to this basic function, Sewastopol also includes an envelope follower circuit: a way to control the effects by detecting the loudness of the violin signal itself, immediately enhancing the system's interactive nature.

Title: Wisconsin. Circuit Court and County Court (Eau Claire County): Family Case FilesInclusive Dates: 1944-1975Creator: Wisconsin. Circuit Court and County Court (Eau Claire County)Call Number: Eau Claire Series 12Quantity: 67.0 c.f. (67 record center cartons)Repository:This collection is managed jointly by the Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division and the Eau Claire Area Research Center.Archival Locations: UW-Eau Claire McIntyre Library / Eau Claire Area Research Ctr.Abstract:Case files dealing primarily with divorce plus a few paternity case files. Legal papers include complaints, summonses, affidavits, court orders, and decrees. In 1944 the county court and circuit court began filing their family cases together, separately from other civil case files. Five digit case numbers are from the circuit court and the others are from the county court.Note:There is a restriction on access to this material; see the Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.Language: English

Circuit By Zach Heath

Smith was placed on $1,500 personal recognizance bail however she was transported to the Hillsborough County Department of Corrections due to her intoxication. She is expected to appear before the 9th circuit court on October 6, 2016 to answer to the above listed charge.

On 8-30-16 a member of the Merrimack Police Department stopped a motor vehicle on the Everett Turnpike for a minor motor vehicle violation. The investigating officer made contact with the operator, later identified as Shane Heath, and conducted a brief investigation. As a result of the investigation Heath was placed under arrest for allegedly being in possession of Marijuana. Heath was released on $1,500 personal recognizance bail. He is scheduled to appear before the 9th circuit court, Merrimack, on October 6, 2016 to answer to the above listed charges.

On August 22, 2016 at 9:24 AM Eric Thibeault turned himself in at the Merrimack Police Department on the warrant. Thibeault was processed on the charges and later released on $5,000.00 Personal Recognizance bail. He is scheduled to appear in the 9th circuit court, Merrimack Division on September 28, 2016 @ 8:00 AM.

An arrest warrant was later obtained and on July 21, 2016 Blumenthal turned himself in. He was processed on the charges and later released on $5,000.00 P/R bail. He is scheduled to appear in the 9th circuit Court, Merrimack division on September 15, 2016.

On July 18, 2016 members of the Merrimack Police Department responded to a residence on Dunloggin Dr. for a reported medical issue. Upon officers arrival it was discovered that a domestic disturbance had occurred. An investigation was conducted and as a result of the investigation Sydney Rosco was placed under arrest for domestic violence. Rosco allegedly physically assaulted her former boyfriend during an argument. Rosco also allegedly supplied the officers with false information and falsified physical evidence in regards to the incident. Rosco is being held in lieu of $10,000 cash bail at the Hillsborough County Department of Corrections and is expected to appear before the 9th circuit court on July 19, 2016 to answer to the above listed charges.

On July 11, 2016 members of the Merrimack Police Department responded to a residence on Tamworth Lane for a reported domestic disturbance in progress with one of the involved leaving the scene prior to officers arrival. Upon officers arrival an investigation was conducted and as a result of the investigation a warrant was signed for the arrest of Scott Proulx who later turned himself into the police department. Proulx allegedly physically assaulted and threatened his girlfriend as well as damaged some of her property during an argument. Proulx is being held in lieu of $5,000 cash bail at the Hillsborough County Department of Corrections and is expected to appear before the 9th circuit court on July 12, 2016 to answer to the above listed charges.

On June 19, 2016 members of the Merrimack Police Department responded to a residence on Summit Road for a reported domestic disturbance in progress. Upon officers arrival an investigation was conducted and as a result of the investigation Sapphire Barrows was placed under arrest for Domestic Violence and Criminal Threatening. Barrows allegedly threatened and assaulted a former boyfriend who is the victim in this matter. Barrows was released on $1,500 personal recognizance bail and is expected to appear before the 9th circuit court on June 21st to answer to the above listed charges.

On the above date, at 5:37 p.m., Merrimack Police were called to a residence on Belmont Drive for a dispute over a landlord tenant issue. Upon the arrival of the Merrimack Police Manley was in the process of packing up her belongings. Manley was using offensive words that could be heard by the neighbors in the area. Manley was warned to stop by the Merrimack Police; but she continued to use offensive words. She was advised that she was being arrested. When Officers attempted to arrest her she resisted. Manley was released on $2,000 personal recognizance bail and is scheduled to appear before the 9th circuit court, Merrimack, on July 21, 2016 to answer to the charges.

At 2:30 am on May 27th a member of the Merrimack Police Department was on routine patrol in the area of Bedford Road. As he passed a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction he heard a loud bang as if something his cruiser. The officer stopped the vehicle that had just passed him and conducted an investigation. As a result of the investigation Zakary Bisson was placed under arrest for criminal mischief and littering. Bisson allegedly threw an egg at a Merrimack Police cruiser from another moving vehicle as it passed. He is also accused of discarding of the remainder of the eggs in a carton on the side of the road shortly before the vehicle he was riding in was stopped. Bisson was released on $1,000 personal recognizance bail and is expected to appear before the 9th circuit court, Merrimack, on July 21, 2016 to answer to the charges.

On May 14, 2016 the Merrimack Police Department arrested Taylor Marshall on an outstanding warrant for harassment. The warrant is based on an incident that occurred on May 13, 2016 in which Marshall sent unwanted text messages to the victim, after having been warned not to do so by a Merrimack Police officer on May 12, 2016. Marshall was released on $1,500 personal recognizance bail and is scheduled to appear before the 9th circuit court on June 30, 2016 to answer to the charge.

6. Marlins: Termarr Johnson, 2B, Mays HS, Atlanta (No. 4)In this scenario, the Marlins' choice probably comes down to Green, Johnson and Berry. Johnson could boost his stock if he performs well in a planned stint in the Sunbelt League, a summer college circuit in Georgia. Like they did in 2020 at No. 3 with Max Meyer, Miami could surprise with a pitcher, perhaps Michigan high school right-hander Brock Porter. 2ff7e9595c


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