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Crack ICafe Manager 4 1: A Simple and Easy Solution for Cyber Cafes and Businesses


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Crack ICafe Manager 4 1

It's consuming more than anticipated for heating,largely due to air leakage; they used the new BREFAN to find the cracks, andfound the roof/wall interface to be responsible for some 16% of the heatingenergy. They've since tried caulking and air-sealing, and hope that this winterit'll perform better. It is performing very well in cooling; the occupants aredelighted, and my personal experience is on the hottest day of the summer todate the building was very comfortable at 5:30 in the evening. The main lessonMatt got from the building was "Keep It Simple, Stupid" - he feelsthat the complex EMCS controls may not be robust over years, and is difficultfor the building operators to program easily. (Sound familiar?) That being said,it is one of the lowest CO2 emitting buildings in the UK, on a square foot offloor area, and on a per occupant basis.

Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex John Fessey, the facility manager for Edinburgh Gate, was kind enough to give me a tour of Addison Wesley Longman's 16,000 sq.m, five-storey building in Harlow, east of London. The building is especially notable for the robustness and user-control of its energy conserving strategies. It achieved 20/21 credits under the current BREAM assessment, one of the highest assessments done to date. Architects were the CD Partnership of London, with Cundall Johnston & Partners doing the services engineering.

Queens Engineering Building, De Montford University, Leicester What can I say about the Queens Building that hasn't already been said elsewhere? Not much, I suspect - it's been very well documented, and is the subject of ongoing performance evaluation and monitoring. Jim Bisgrove, the University's energy manager kindly donated an afternoon to touring me through it - and then was late getting home, answering my questions. (Thanks much, Jim!)

Arriving at sunset, without having been able tocontact any of the designers or contractors, I saw that the gate to theconstruction site was closed, but not locked. With the maxim "It is ofteneasier to ask forgiveness than permission" firmly in mind, I slipped intothe common courtyard, and started photographing the deserted buildings in thefailing light. While I was trying to get the best camera angle from the stepsleading to the construction office, Jens Baelum, construction manager for two ofthe buildings, stepped out to see just who this character was.

And, the fact that many of these buildings are distinctly crooked after centuries of settling into the Amsterdam mud lends itself to a slight spatial dislocation for passersby. One building I just had to photograph has three distinct changes in direction up the one corner.... The fact that they were constructed with lime mortar has ensured that the buildings are still (mostly) structurally sound; the lime mix, unlike modern cement-based mortars, slowly adjusts to differential settlement, naturally filling in cracks and holding the bricks and stones in place. These oddities helped me put Anton Albert's modern work in context (more about this later.)

- Meeting with Peter Fraanje, IVAM EnvironmentalResearch - David Rousseau, my dear friend and colleague on both BEPAC and ourSanta Monica work, recommended that I speak with Peter Fraanje, who has beendoing very interesting research into sustainable building materials for years.I'm very glad I did; we had an excellent afternoon where he filled me in furtheron his work at IVAM as Building & Environment project manager. He's beenlooking closely at how materials can be used more efficiently, to reduce theirenvironmental impact over their life-cycles; and to encourage greater use ofrenewable materials in the the Netherlands.

ING Bank, Amsterdam The InternationaleNederlanden Group (ING) Bank headquarters is probably known better to many ofyou as the NMB Bank, by Anton Alberts of Alberts and Van Huut, with TechncischIngenieursbureau Aronsohn B.V and the ULC Group as consulting mechanicalengineers, and lighting design by London's Pentagram Design. Completed in 1983,in a suburb southeast of Amsterdam, like Ecolonia I had long looked forward totouring the building for myself. However, in this case I *was* disappointed -not because of the building itself, but because of the adamant refusal of theING facilities managers - or INGs PR department - to show me around, or indeed,even allow me to step beyond the lobby. I had to satisfy myself with walkingaround the exterior, observing and photographing what I could. This is a fairbit; but it is *not* the same as speaking with building operators and occupantson their experience in how the building functions; nor could I experience theinterior 'streets', courtyards, artwork and offices for myself.

I found Bangkok fascinating - in much the sameway that a child views a horror film, through the cracks between his fingers. Ifthere was ever a persuasive argument for planning of urban areas, Bangkok is it.As far as I can tell, Bangkok evolved from being a charming Asian city, definedby its khlongs (canals), mix of colonial and vernacular buildings, tropicalvegetation, and organic street layout, to a noisy, polluted and overstressedmegalopolis in the course of two explosive decades of unrestrained, incoherenteconomic and population growth.

As I mentioned, only the larger streets havesidewalks. For a handicapped person, Bangkok would be virtually impossible.Buildings are often approached by stairs meant to be impressive, but with noprovision for wheelchairs. Large street intersections have elevated pedestrianbridges - and no ramps. Even the new Skytrain stations often lack elevators.There are few sidewalk curb cuts, and the paving blocks are often missing,heaving, or have disappeared into holes dug by water; sewers often have crackedor missing covers. Pedestrians in Thailand must continuously watch their step,or risk a broken ankle.

More modest houses were made of almost entirelyof bamboo; I had the luck to sleep in several of these during a "trek"through the rainforest. These houses were owned by members of the hill tribes,the Karen and the Aung, whose living is now largely made from tourists. Inthese, the walls and roofs were thatched, and floors were a lattice of splitbamboo, laid closely over joists at roughly two-foot centres. These floors weredelightful to walk on; the bamboo is laid shiny-side up and has a sensoustexture, and split to a thickness of perhaps a quarter of an inch, was soft andflexible between the joists, like a fine carpet. They not only let air flowthrough them, they were also very easy to clean; a few sweeps of broom alloweddirt and dust to fall through the cracks to the pigs below. (No, they didn'tsmell: manure was obviously gathered regularly, and probably applied to the ricefields.)

Wiring was often an electricians' nightmare:taped or simply twisted connections; wires draped over the nearest handy tree orpipe; and often unprotected conductors running for hundreds of meters outdoorswithin easy reach of small children. One night in my hotel in Phuket, I noticeda crackling, sizzling sound outside; on further investigation I saw that theutility's transmission wires were briskly spouting a foot-long stream of sparksat one set of insulators just behind my room. This continued for over a week....

I spent an afternoon talking with SommaiVathanasakphubai, general manager of BP Thai Solar, and touring his plant on theoutskirts of Bangkok. His staff of 17 assemble and install PV systems for theThai and IndoChina market, using imported cells and glazing. BP Thai Solar isone of 7 or 8 companies doing PV in Thailand; others include Solartron, usingSiemens PV products; Cannon, using Unisolar thin film PVs; and several Japanesecompanies, such as Sharp.

For renovations of large existing buildings, theAct requires the appointment of an energy manager, who is responsible forensuring the building complies with the Act. The OTTV standard is 55 W/sq.m, androofs must comply with the 25 W/sq.m value. Lighting and equipment efficiencystandards are the same as those for new buildings. The result of the legislationhas been a large number of energy audits of large Thai buildings, which Dr.Surapong has summarized in a paper entitled "Energy Use Intensities andEmissions of Thai Commercial Buildings". It showed that the Thai buildingssurveyed consumed between 180 - 300 kWh/sq.m per year - very low compared tosimilar surveys done on US and Canadian buildings of similar size. Energy auditsrequired by the Act must be redone every 3 years - which has resulted in a newprofit centre for Thai consulting engineers. 2ff7e9595c


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