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Get Your Copy of Poor Dad Rich Dad Pdf Free: The Book That Will Make You Rich


This book is a great read for anyone interested in finances and what it takes to be a wealthy person. In Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki summarises the lessons learned from two different perspectives, that of a poor man, and that of a rich man. Drawing on his own experiences, Kiyosaki discusses how to create financial independence through investing, property ownership, and building businesses.

Rich dad poor dad pdf free download. I had two fathers, a rich one and a poor one. One was highly educated and intelligent. He had a Ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. He then went on to Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies, all on full financial scholarships. The other father never finished the eighth grade.

Poor Dad Rich Dad Pdf Free

One day, near the end of my time in the MBA program, I took a break from my studies to watch some television. An infomercial for a free seminar on real estate investing flashed on the screen. I attended the free weekend real estate class, liked what I had heard, and invested $385 for a three-day real estate seminar.

It was their commitment to the pursuit of financial freedom that kept them focused. They chose long-term success over immediate gratification. They chose self-reliance over the soulless trap of a job. In essence, they chose to be rich.

This book is a great read for anyone interested in finances and what it takes to be a wealthy person. In Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki summarises the lessons learned from two different perspectives, that of a poor man, and that of a rich man. Drawing on his own experiences, Kiyosaki discusses how to create financial independence through investing, property ownership and building businesses.

Kiyosaki explains that everyone is looking for a quick fix, the magic answer or formula to make their riches. However, he explains that the only way to get rich is to become financially literate. The education is absolutely fundamental.

This highlights the problem that Kiyosaki has with schooling. Schools encourage students to become what they study. A student studying cooking becomes a chef, someone studying law becomes a lawyer. People are so focused on the career and becoming what they study that they forget about the potential of owning their own business. Instead of focusing on making themselves richer, they dedicate all of their time and energy into making someone else richer.

The truly rich generally have a knowledge of the legal structure of corporations and how this power can be used to avoid the rules that taxes employ. Rich people do not voluntarily pay more taxes. Whenever new initiatives are put in place, designed to tax the rich, the rich do their research and push back. The poor and the middle classes do not have the education or the power to allow themselves to push back, so they are the ones who end up paying all of the taxes.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi is a great read for anyone wanting to get a better handle on personal finances. I Will Teach You to be Rich helps you identify where your money is going and gets it working for you so that you can save for the things that will bring you true happiness and lead a rich life. The book outlines a six-week program which identifies how to create a system for optimising your bill payments, savings and investments so that your money goes to all the right places with less than an hour of maintenance a month.

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#13 Beware of Arrogance As you find success and accumulate wealth, you might be tempted to become arrogant and stop learning or paying attention to the signs of poor risks. You must always be vigilant and prevent yourself from becoming arrogant or ignorant. Arrogant businesspeople can easily find their wealth sapped away and themselves returning to a

I became a fan of Robert Kiyosaki in my 20s. His book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" opened my eyes to the world of wealth. Early in life I learned there are fundamental differences between how the rich think and act toward money compared to everyone else. I began to adopt those same thoughts and strategies, and found them to be completely true.

But the difference between rich people and everyone else is that the rich don't stay in the job phase for very long. They realize early that to become rich, they need to become the people who hire others into jobs, and not a job holder. By contrast, the rest of us typically spend our lives in the job phase. And we're trapped once they believe that a job is the only way to earn money. That locks you into working for money for the rest of your life.

But the rich learn the virtue of becoming business owners early. And running a business is, more than anything else, about learning how to leverage resources and people to earn more money than you ever could by exchanging your own labor for a wage.

The situation is very different among the rich, particularly among those who aspire to become wealthy. Though financial planners may recommend saving and investing 10% or 15% of your income on a regular basis, the aspiring rich may save 30%, 40%, and even 50% or more of their income.

One of the major misconceptions so many have about rich people is that they all inherited their money. But that belief set is completely self-defeating. Look at anyone who is a self-made millionaire, and there's an outstanding chance he or she spent most of their life acquiring assets that generate income.

Typical assets acquired by the rich include stocks, bonds, investment funds, income-generating real estate, real estate investment trusts, and businesses. What all have in common is that they either have the ability to generate a steady income, increase in value, or both.

These lessons from Robert Kiyosaki aren't meant to make you feel your situation is hopeless if you've been handling your finances the way the majority of people do. Rather, it's to give you an insight as to how rich people become rich. That involves major behavioral changes. But if you can embrace them as part of your financial routine, the entire monetary dynamic in your life will change for the better.

-- his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad -- and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about investing. You don't need to earn a high income to be rich -- find out the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.

His rich dad noticed that Robert had sounded like his employees after only one month. Rich dad insisted that he was teaching Robert, but in a way that life teaches, not in the way that school does. The most effective way to learn is by doing, though most people consume education from books, which is the least effective way.

In this section of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki shares a simple story. In 1923, the greatest leaders and richest businessmen joined together for a meeting in Chicago. Twenty-five years later, nine of them had their life end in the following ways:

Assets add to your income. Liabilities add to your expenses. And the job of a poor person pays you an income that then covers your expenses. The job of a middle-class person pays you an income then pays down liabilities then pays expenses. However, for a rich person, their assets pay them an income. For example, their assets may give them rental income, dividends, interest, or royalties.

As teenagers, Mike and Robert would work with their rich dad. They studied how he held meetings with his bankers, attorneys, accountants, investors, so forth. Even though his rich dad had left school at 13, he was now directing some very educated people.

As a teenager, Robert realized he had more financial literacy than his poor dad as he was able to keep books and spent a lot of time listening to bankers, tax accountants, real estate brokers, and others like them.

The rich put their money into a corporation. Their asset puts income into their corporation, and then corporate income can be used as income for their personal income statement. And the expenses from their personal income statement can go into the expenses for the corporation. Even though the masses continuously try to find ways to tax the rich, the rich consistently outsmart them.

Before you win, you lose. Like all those times you fell off a bicycle before you learned how to ride it. Before people became rich, they lost money. Most people are more afraid of the pain of losing money than the happiness of becoming rich.

4th lessons are about the few truths from our system and tax policy of the government. The government tax policies are horrible and it is really difficult for an average man to survive in this system. He has to sacrifice many things to learn some important things in his life. When you buy a car, a house or anything, you have to pay taxes. This makes your position even weaker because you had already paid much amount for the thing and now you are even paying the government for that. We need to fix up this policy because it is making poor even poorer and rich even richer. 2ff7e9595c


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