my romance started with yash chopra kinda movies n it still goes on.but sometimes when i admire a movie so much and decide to watch it once again , i feel very indifferent when i watch it, n worse sometimes i also wonder why did i liked the movie so much?hope papeeha wont do this to u,hope it'll make u admire it much more.
Papeeha Re 4 movie free download in hindi
I don't remember papeeha. But I confused it with another movie. In which there was Nana patekar. I dont' recollect. But it was sober kind of hindi movie ( not commercial is what i mean :D). Dont' recollect. It's like he lands up in a place where there is no rain. I think the actress is Winnie Paranjape. Not sure though. Any guesses on this movie ?BTW this post was a good one :)
Oh my shruti...u have revoked such beautiful memories ..even i was 11-12 i guess when i saw this movie today after 15 yrs i was just sudenly thinkiong abt it ...took abt an hour of google search to find any info on papeeha...did u get hold of that movie ever agian?if so pls let me know where to find it ..I would be more than glad to get hold of a copy
i hope the blogger reads this..I was in exactly same situation as you in my school days, i never knew amir/salman/shahrukh khans..but my friends knew. The only way i would get to know what romance is was a movie, and it came through papeeha. I loved the movie and loved milind gunaji..when i went to school next morning most of my friends turned their khan coats only to fall for him! We all expressed what we could, lot of it remained unexpressed. After so many years when i was searching for this movie frantically i saw your blog and it resonated with my thoughts so well, that i got back my past sweet memories. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts for an wonderful yet unnoticed work of sai paranjpe.
Hi everyone !I just got this link which says you can download "Papeeha" for free, but then they are also asking for credit card info ... so I chickened out :( ....[URL= -1993] Papeeha (1993) [/URL]
Hi there ! being a big fan of Sai Paranjpye and while searching for a way to obtain the 'papeeha' movie I came across this site. It seems that like you quite liked the film. Is there any way one could lay their hands on a CD or something? There seem to be no online links that work. I remember watching this movie wayy back in 1993-94 when I was quite young and now just remember that there was a good looking guy in it whom my elder sister admired a lot. It would be great if we could watch this movie again. Keep writing :)-Mallika (New Delhi)
Hi there ! being a big fan of Sai Paranjpye and while searching for a way to obtain the 'papeeha' movie I came across this site. It seems that you quite liked the film. Is there any way one could lay their hands on a CD or something? There seem to be no online links that work. I remember watching this movie way back in 1993-94 when I was very young and can now just remember that there was a good looking guy in it (Milind Gunaji) whom my elder sister admired a lot. It would be great if we could watch this movie again. Keep writing :)-Mallika (New Delhi)
hey...was tryin' to find a torrent link for papeeha and in stead came across ur post...i guess it was the forest more than winney paranjpye that caught my imagination when i saw the movie....and yeah, that was the only time i saw papeeha....guess, all of the DD generation was watchin' it at the same time as they didn't have too many, don't feel alone....
I too watched papeeha on tv and was swept off my feet ... all that u have written resonates withme so much... i suddenly remembered about this movie and wanted to watch it again ... came to search for papeeha movie ..and saw your post... thank u so much for reliving the magic of overwhelmed to see that there r others like me who were so touched by the movie...
I remember seeing this movie during my holidays. Sunday night I think, on Doordarshan of course. I watched it with my grandpa, one of the earliest movies I remember seeing, which ran late into the night. I swore that would never forget the name of the movie, back then i didnt even know what the title meant not being a native speaker of hindi. I remember the red ants chutney scene . I have so wished to watch the movie again.
I love the movie papeeha! My parents took us kids( aged about 12 and 10) to the childrens film festival which aired this movie. I have such fond memories of the movie.. I just saw it once but the impact is for a lifetime. Thanks for such a sweet review. Couldn't agree more. But can anyone tell me where can I get the DVD? Or a copy? Or anything?
I don't know why but I just dreamt of the movie papeeha which I had watched on late night DD,was looking to bookmark the movie on YouTube to watch it tomorrow evening but I came to this post. One of my first crushes was this movie's actress...but now if I look at the movie the lady looks western television has played havoc with my concept of beauty. :(
I am literally crying... have been searching for this movie since ages. And today I found your blog... I was a young kids when I saw this movie. I am desperate to see it again so that I could revisit those golden days of my childhood, that Era of 1990's.. please if someone can help me with a genuine link to watch it online or to download it, would really be grateful
I am literally crying... have been searching for this movie since ages. And today I found your blog... I was a young kids when I saw this movie. I am desperate to see it again so that I could revisit those golden days of my childhood, that Era of 1990's.. please if someone can help me with a genuine link to watch it online or to download it, would really be grateful !!! 2ff7e9595c