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Mods For Gta San Andreas For Mac: How to Transform Your Game with Amazing Mods


Hi people! i am new in this forum so i might not know alot of stuff about it. But currently, i have a problem, i am playing GTA SAN ANDREAS on the IMAC. I am looking for mods for GTA SAN ANDREAS. i downloaded PC files of the mod but it didnt work. So can anyone please help me? And where do I put the files in?

First, go watch this video. It explains how to downgrade your version of san andreas (which causes problems) Use the provided download links files in the description. He doesn't say it in his video, but you want to replace gta_sa.exe with gta_sa_compact.exe. The gta_sa.exe he provides didn't work for me, so I'm going off of that..

Mods For Gta San Andreas For Mac

1st I downgraded my gta, the file you want to put in your \gta san andreas folder will be called gta_sa_compact.exe. It's a non-wide screen version of the game, but it's worth it because it fixes many game play problems.

I think the only way us mac users are going to be able to add mods to SA other than cars, is going to be by using a mac version / cider ported IMG Tool 2.0. I've been looking for one of these non-stop, but can't seem to find one. If anyone knows where I can get that or a similar program, that would be a blessing.

Imagine new businesses, new radio stations, new missions. New safehouses, cars, guns. I've seen a lot of good looking mods in my search, it just seems a shame I'd rather not risk downloading a virus to use them. Besides all that, GTA San Andreas is one of (if not, the) best GTA game I've ever played, but it could definitely use a bit more content. 2ff7e9595c


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