Please select the support option that best fits your needs: I Need Technical SupportYou have installed the software and need help getting it to work the way you want. Select your software from the list below. I Need Registration or Activation Support You have recently purchased and need assistance registering or activating your software. You can contact a customer service agent to help you through the process. Or you can recover your lost registration key here. I Have A Pre-Sales or Purchasing Question You have questions about which software is best for your needs, about product pricing, upgrading, refunds and other non-technical inquiries. I Need to Purchase Support or a Backup CD and ManualYou want to upgrade to Platinum support, order a CD and manual or check on the status of your backup CD and manual order. I Want to Uninstall a ProductYou have a program that you downloaded and now want to uninstall. I Need to Manage a Recurring Subscription ChargeYou have recurring subscription to a product and need to review or make changes.Have you purchased the software? YesPlease use the same email address you used when purchasing to fill out the support request form. If you need to use a different email, or did not buy online, include the receipt number with your question. NoClick here now to purchase and get access to professional technical support. If you need support as part of your evaluation or are still undecided, we recommended you take advantage of our 30-day refund policy and if we cannot solve your problem we will refund your purchase in full.Do you currently have a Platinum support contract? Yes, I have a Platinum support contractFor Live Chat please enter the password below: Password:Launch Chat SupportFor Telephone Support please use the contact information that was emailed to you at the time of purchase. Or, continue to email our support team. Be sure to use the same email address you used when you purchased to ensure the fastest response. If you do not have Platinum Support you can upgrade now. No, I do not have a Platinum support contractWe are still happy to provide you with support via email. If you need telephone support, please upgrade to Platinum support.Do any of the following FAQs answer your question? Search the NCH community forum. No, none of the above questions apply I Want To Purchase Priority Technical SupportUpgrade to a paid support plan for priority support or support over the phone. I Want To Purchase A Backup CD and User GuidePlace an order for a backup CD and printed manual for any NCH Software application. I Want to Check on my CD and Manual Order Contact us about the status of your CD and printed manual order.In order to send your message the appropriate team please select what type of purchase you are interested in: Individual, Single License Take advantage of our current discounts. Individual, Multiple Licenses Save even more if you buy five or more licenses. (See volume discount table) Reseller Inquiries Pass big savings on to your customers with our wholesale pricing. Government, Corporate, Educational Sales For large institutional purchases over $1000 you may qualify for additional business discounts. What type of organization are you purchasing for? Government Corporate Educational
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