At a little less than 90 minutes, "42nd Street" is a fast-moving picture that crackles with great dialogue and snappily plays up Busby Berkeley's dance routines and and the bouncy Al Dubin-Harry Warren ditties that include the irrepressably cheerful "Young and Healthy" (featuring the adorable Toby Wing), "Shuffle Off to Buffalo" and the title number. A famous Broadway director (Warner Baxter) takes on a new show despite his ill health, then faces disaster at every turn, including the loss of his leading lady on opening night. The film features Bebe Daniels as the star of the show and Berkeley regulars Guy Kibbee, Ginger Rogers, Dick Powell, and Ruby Keeler, whom Baxter implores, "You're going out a youngster, but you've got to come back a star!"
A combination of musical mayhem and political satire finds the Marx Brothers, under the direction of Leo McCarey, at the center of war between tiny Freedonia and its neighbor Sylvania. The reliably clueless Margaret Dumont is there to bear the brunt of Groucho's wisecracks. Famous for the scene in which Chico and Harpo impersonate an unwitting Groucho in front of a mirror, the film is generally acknowledged as the brothers' masterpiece. Unlike many directors, McCarey, whose credits also include the Registry comedies "Ruggles of Red Gap" and "The Awful Truth," successfully tempered the patented Marx mania without inhibiting it.Expanded essay by William Wolf (PDF, 688KB)
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Daniel Taradash earned an Oscar for his adaptation of James Jones unadaptable explicitly gritty best-selling novel set in Hawaii just prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Director Fred Zinnemann translated the Taradash script into a lavish, star-studded blockbuster that won him and the picture Academy Awards. The epic featured Montgomery Clift as a soldier who boxes and bugles with equal skill, Donna Reed as a nightclub hostess (a prostitute in Jones's novel) with whom Clift falls in love, and Frank Sinatra, whose faltering career was rejuvenated with an Oscar for his performance as a wisecracking enlisted man at odds with a bullying sergeant played by Ernest Borgnine. At the center of the ensemble is Burt Lancaster as a sergeant involved in a torrid affair with his commander's wife, Deborah Kerr, their romance culminating in the famous lovemaking scene on the beach.
Most critics were less than impressed and some were downright turned off by this black comedy starring Bud Cort as a young man obsessed with death who meets and eventually falls in love with Ruth Gordon as an eccentric, wisecracking elderly woman. Directed by Hal Ashby and written by Colin Higgins (as his UCLA masters thesis), the film became popular on college campuses in its day and continues to attract a cult following, embracing the warm humor and big heart that lies beneath the darkness. The film's music was composed and performed by Cat Stevens.
In the first teaming of Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, the natural chemistry between the two is readily apparent as they portray newspaper colleagues who eventually fall in love. The personal and professional chemistry lasted until Tracy's death in 1967 following the duo's ninth picture. Ring Lardner Jr. and Michael Kanin wrote the original screen play about the two strong-willed lovers, feminist leader Tess and crusty no-nonsense sports writer Sam. Knitting together the crackling dialog and strong performances is director George Stevens, equally adept at helming comedies, dramas, musicals and Westerns.
As the Clone Wars dragged on, the stress of combat and high casualties caused cracks and strains among the ranks of the clone soldiers. Personality quirks, once considered harmless or even essential to their mental development, began to express themselves in extreme and polarizing ways. Each unit created their own rituals, small ways to identify squad mates, those from the same company, and veterans of specific campaigns. A soldier that talked about "cracking that crystal" identified themselves as a veteran of Christophsis and the assault on Crystal City, while an officer calling targets "bugs" revealed he fought in the hives on Geonosis. While many clones respected a soldier with a different background, some felt separated by time, space, and the unique aspects of their struggle.[35]
Perfect Cell flies up high into the air and fires a massive Kamehameha down at Gohan in an attempt to destroy the entire Earth. However, just as the huge energy beam is about to hit the Earth, Gohan counterattacks with a bigger and more powerful Kamehameha, overpowering Perfect Cell's Kamehameha and destroying the android's legs, left arm, and the two straight sections on top of his head. Goku yells for Gohan to finish off Cell before he regenerates, but Gohan, still enraged at Perfect Cell's actions, refuses and wants Cell to suffer before he kills him. Surprisingly, Gohan even cracks out a psychotic grin at Goku while Cell is regenerating while Goku continues telling him to finish Cell. As Goku predicted, the enraged Cell regenerates and transforms into his Power Weighted form but even with his enormous power, he is unable to hit Gohan, making the same mistake Future Trunks made ten days ago. After Gohan dodges Cell's punches, he delivered two powerful kicks to Perfect Cell's face and stomach, making him regurgitate Android 18 and transform back into his Semi-Perfect form.[10]
Majin Buu's cocoon begins to erupt large amounts of smoke and steam. Dabura and Babidi smile in excitement for the revival of Bibidi's original creation. Gohan and Shin also watch in complete terror. As the cocoon begins to crack, Supreme Kai orders Gohan to run away, as they do not stand a chance when the legendary Majin Buu will finally emerge from his prison. Gohan, however, refuses to run, not wanting to let his father down and make the same mistakes he did when toying with Cell seven years ago. Gohan powers up and fires an Electric Kamehameha one after another attempting to destroy the cocoon and Majin Buu along with it, but the cocoon is unaffected.
Gohan sensed Broly attacking Goten and Trunks, and rushed to stop the trouble. Gohan then arrived and interfered with Broly's Planet Geyser technique against a weakened Goten and Trunks, also discovering Broly's survival. Upon meeting with the boys, he then explained who Broly was, and that Goku had beaten him, although he was later horrified when he discovered that Broly had also fought and injured Videl. Gohan then vowed to "put [Broly] back again" after deducing that Broly most likely wanted revenge against Goku for his earlier defeat and fought Broly to a stalemate. After launching a blast that destroyed part of the area, Gohan realized that Broly has gotten much stronger since their last encounter (In the Japanese version, he also mentions that Gohan himself had "powered up considerably" since then as well). Broly then shrugged off the attack and emerged back up while threateningly declaring Kakarot's name, but Gohan was later saved by Videl, with Gohan expressing relief at her being alright. Gohan then attempted to stop Broly after he cracked the ground in four with an energy wave by launching into the air and ended up bracing himself for an apparent attack from the deranged Super Saiyan. However, he then ended up attempting to defend the others when it became apparent that they were the true target, although this failed, leaving Gohan the only one left standing. He then became a Super Saiyan 2 in his rage, with Broly powering up to Legendary Super Saiyan. They then fought, although Gohan was largely getting beaten, eventually being trapped in a backbreaker over the newly formed lava pit. Gohan, however, eventually hit Broly hard enough to temporarily stun him and lured the Saiyan into the magma pit in the hopes of beating him. He succeeded but was saved by Krillin (whom he mistook for Piccolo due to his wearing Piccolo's attire).
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The book, which is currently housed at Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, dates back some 600 years and was likely written in Central Europe, according to researchers. While some scholars believe the book is simply a Renaissance-era hoax full of unintelligible words, there are some who think the book's text is written in an unknown language. Others believe the book lays out some kind of code that has yet to be cracked.
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